Postfix Log Stats

I made some changes to my Postfix server configuration to update my Spamhaus DNSBLs recently and I wanted to see if more junk was being blocked than before. A long time ago, I used AWStats to parse my Postfix logs and generate web pages with pretty charts. This was neat because it would build a database for long-term trend discovery. However, I no longer have the patience to mess around with a CGI scripts in Apache HTTP Server.

So, I reached for This Perl script has been kicking since 1999. It processes log lines on STDIN and outputs a text report. I found a GitHub project that had containerized the script at and I forked it to add multi-architecture support so I could run it on a modern Mac. My repo fork is at and the images are pushed into Docker Hub at jlamoree/pflogsumm, if you’d like to run it too.

Here’s how I grab log files and create a report:

I like to review the report in Sublime Text — it’s got my favorite monospace typeface and color scheme configured for maximum pleasure.

Screenshot of Sublime Text showing the report generated by